Dark Harbor Thoughts | Teen Ink

Dark Harbor Thoughts

May 12, 2023
By jacksonvhill BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jacksonvhill BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The glowing golden moon breaks the darkness. 

Angry smoky clouds blanket the harbor and yet the water glows gold. 

It somehow warms the bitter evening, compact with the shadows of my dark thoughts and devastating memories. 

The glowing orb sticks in the sky like my cacao skin penetrates my society. 

Just like the moon, I am free. Discrimination weighs heavily on me, but just like the moon, I manage to overcome the smothering anger. 

Hidden in the barnacle encrusted docks is the potential for power.

Power to break free, power to escape, to endure. 

To sail away and escape from my social bounds.

The author's comments:

Inspired by "Moon over a Harbor" 

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