Alone | Teen Ink


May 12, 2023
By 3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
3mcdowell GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How it feels to live on Block Island

You are all alone no neighbors, the nearest people are 10 miles down the road.

Your only friend is your dog

You wait for your lover to come home. 

They come back every 2 months from the ship. 

They bring in the income. They bring home food as well.





At night, you light a fire and sit by the window.

 Watching the stars twinkle above,

Their reflections shimmering on the water. 

The full moon up

In these moments you feel a sense of contentment. 

As the water murmurs

The Frogs ribbit, the Crickets chirp

two months swing by, 

You wait and wait.

Walk around to kill the time

Tonight is the night, they come home.

They arrive they run toward you

You two hug and the strength of it was like a bear

Now you’re not alone

The author's comments:

Inspired by Moon Over a Harbor By Edward Mitchell Bannister

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