Golden Goals | Teen Ink

Golden Goals

May 12, 2023
By BlakeRip SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
BlakeRip SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sweet success, passionate power, delighted dedication. Tributes of what someone aspires to dreams to become. The sad sense of desperate reality settles in, they are not yet true. They are goals. 

Goals, goals, goals. Stay focused on what's good for you, they say. Don't let other obstacles get in your way. Focus on what's in front of you, focus on the truth, focus on the golden goals you dream of having. 

Short but powerful story told around here. On how to stay focused, the engraved story reminds you of the lack of all responsibility. The light laziness becomes heavy. They say focus on the golden birds. The beauty, the bright, the benefits. The golden birds are set to keep your attention from all the dark obstacles, dark lies, dark situations ahead. 

Focus on your golden birds, focus on your golden goals. Steer your attention away from the success, live in the art of dark pain, dark suffering. No success.

The author's comments:

Golden Goals 

Written about Landscape with Yellow Birds by Paul Klee 

Blake Riphenburg 

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