I Am | Teen Ink

I Am

September 27, 2023
By 4mwalloch SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4mwalloch SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the persistent tomorrow

I am the small ripple waves in the gentle sea

I am a guard of people’s hearts

I am radiant energy of an empty stage

I am the glimmer of a gold locket

I am a scent of linen on a clean white shirt

I am a giggling teenage girl


I am an extension of my parents’ dreams

I am yearning for people’s praise

I am constantly ticking with overwhelming thoughts 

I am never satisfied 

        always looking for a new way to be better

I am driven to impress

I am my mom’s brag

I am waiting for my chance


I am an evolving clock

I am a pin drop in a silent room

I am a silent rain on a spring day

I am the warmth of a cashmere candle

I am the comfort of my bedroom


I am naive

I am passionate and driven

I am daring

I am introverted and calm

I am scared

I am eager for what’s next

I am young. 

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