Thoughts | Teen Ink


June 19, 2009
By Inkspired PLATINUM, Whitby, Other
Inkspired PLATINUM, Whitby, Other
26 articles 0 photos 493 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If one will scoff at the study of language, how, save in terms of language, will one scoff?" - Mario Pei
"I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die." Isaac Asimov


Flowing through my mind,

Substantial as moonbeams,

Glittering on the water,

Dissolving in my eager grasp,

Emotions, inspiration, ideas,

Boiling beneath the surface,

Bubbling enticingly,

Popping out of existence,

With one hesitant touch.

Flitting to and fro,

Like shadows in the twilight,

Fading in and out,

Like a scent wafting

On the evening breeze.

Churning in turmoil,

Calm and flat,

Light or dark,

A range of shades:



Jumbled like an unfinished puzzle,

Woven together like a spider's web.

A vast ocean,

A clouded planet,

A swirling galaxy.

The author's comments:
Thoughts are so convoluted, I thought I'd write a poem about it, it frustrates me so sometimes!!!!!

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This article has 5 comments.

on Mar. 28 2010 at 6:09 pm
windswift DIAMOND, Arvada, Colorado
80 articles 0 photos 91 comments

Favorite Quote:
let it burn, suffering teaches the soul; let it grow, love nourishes the heart.

i like this poem, it depicts well the scrambled thought that we find ourselfs having sometimes, and you even conveyed the image of being confused and full of racing thoughts very well, its a great poem, written by an even greater author, keep up the good work.

on Sep. 20 2009 at 11:01 pm
Drown_Me_In_Blue DIAMOND, Brooklyn, New York
50 articles 0 photos 41 comments

Favorite Quote:
Labels? Okay, fine. I'm bisensual. Heteroflexible. And life-curious. That about covers it. ~Morgan Torva

This is amazing. Your imagery is so vivid, I love it. Have you read my piece Summer Days? Kinda similar, though not nearly as well done! : )

on Aug. 12 2009 at 11:28 am
Electricity PLATINUM, Bradenton, Florida
30 articles 0 photos 271 comments
wow, great poem. I love the way it's written. I can relate to this poem. I never thought about how thoughts feel. I had to show it to my friends. But I cut out the first line that reads "thougts" and I also cut out the title, and had them read it that way. At the end of the poem my one of my friends said, "omg omg, it's thinking!" so, yeah, great poem! To me when a writer can make his/her reader guess the idea of the poem without saying what the poem is about, it's a 5 start job!

on Jul. 23 2009 at 5:03 pm
SilverDawn GOLD, Burnaby, Other
10 articles 0 photos 297 comments
whoaaa!! such great descriptions! lovely imagery and choice of words. keep writing; i'm sure you'll be famous (:

on Jul. 19 2009 at 1:18 am
despurlock DIAMOND, Morgantown, West Virginia
79 articles 0 photos 179 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The heart has its reasons which reason does not know." -Pascal, Pensees, 1670

Wow I really love this poem! It's so different than your others, I love it!!! Great job! Keep it up! I love how this poem is personable to every reader b/c they taste what you are talking about, but they are left to decide for themself. which is what makes great poetry! Great job! Oh, and please stop by and read some of my new poems and lemme know what you think. Thanks so much! Again, wonderful job!