Something wrong | Teen Ink

Something wrong

January 29, 2024
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
53 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know I'm forgetful but I still feel things and I try to make sure others don't feel those things" -Ghostbur

“There's something wrong with you”, 

They say as I watch the women's sports,

“There’s something wrong with you”, 

They say as I am engrossed by the girls walking in front of me,

“There’s something wrong with you”,

They say after I kiss a girl,

“There’s something wrong with you”,

They say to when I don’t wear a dress to the party,

“Theres something wrong with you”, 

They say after I say I have a girlfriend

“There’s something wrong with you”,

They say after I cry after a breakup,

“There’s something wrong with you”,

And they wonder why I won’t talk to them like before,

“There’s nothing wrong with you”,

That’s why I am still with you.

The author's comments:

This piece is about my experiences as a lesbian woman who people believe to only have something wrong with me, at the end, I am referring to my amazing partner of over a year, who I plan to marry one day.

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