Metropolis Serenade | Teen Ink

Metropolis Serenade

January 31, 2024
By 4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4bachmann GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flashing lights and busy streets.

Calmly strolling sidewalks.

Pretty palace of concrete towers me,

and it feels like home where I long to be.

My stomach screams from starvation:

standing still, thinking, deciding.


The best burger on the market is what I need, 

but the distance is a formidable destination.

Every light pole feels like a light year.

Traveling, dreading, boom. 

I arrive.

Dining has been my dream for the past hours.

It’s here.

“Enjoy your food,” they say as I’m delighted by the meal.

I leave and take a beloved bird scooter around.

An aroma of expensive food and,

sounds of screaming sports fans keep it going.

Around the city wheels continuously turning, 

and the youth of life is nearing.

In the bustling city, the journey continues.

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