Unforgettable | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By liviatennessen5 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
liviatennessen5 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The phone was ringing

My mom picked it up

A shocked look came over her face

I was curious and worried

She broke the news

Trying to hold in the tears

I couldn’t keep them in 

It felt like a knife going through my heart

Like a piece of me went out into space

I could feel my tears dripping down my face

Like a waterfall after a rainfall

All I can imagine now is your bright big smile

Making any dark room, light

The author's comments:

This talks about someone that I wasn't really close to but still really. It talks about her death and that she was always a joyful person and so fun to be around. I just really talk about how shocked I was when I got the call and how sad I was.

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