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July 4, 2009
By vueberroth DIAMOND, Lanising, Michigan
vueberroth DIAMOND, Lanising, Michigan
52 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
We wright our own storys
-Arthur Ueberroth

This pain is beating in my heart

Just as strong every day

My strenth is fadeing far away from me
All these thoughts still in mind

Can not express while out of time

Mistakes that I have made have been forgiven

This thing burend into mind
Even after all this crying
Still inside i am dieing

I dont want anyone to hurt like me
Are you inside feeling like me
all this pain

Will someday heal
But that as of yet to be reaveld
So from you to me to the end of the sea

Something I have may last an etrninty

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