Five Romance Books | Teen Ink

Five Romance Books

March 20, 2024
By brookemullett GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
brookemullett GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that entertain me. I am the only one who can read them for hours. Five romance books with romance stories and dramatic conflicts like movies. Five that should be followed by more but aren’t. Five wonderful books written to be read. From my room, I will read them, but my cat pounces and tries to get my attention back to him.

Their love is heartwarming. They conquer my curious brain inside my head. They take up and they consume over and snatch my brain with their flipping pages and fill my reality with their story and never show their dull moments. This is how they live.

Let one change its meaning for love, they’d all change like leaves in the fall, each with their meanings changing to another. Flip, flip, flip they say when I read. They tell.

When I am too tired and too bored to keep flipping, when my eyes struggle against my heavy eyelids, then it is I look at the clock. When there is no more time left to read these pages. Five who’s words danced despite the time. Five who flip and do not forget to flip. Five whose only reason is to tell and tell.

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