Lost But Not Forgotten | Teen Ink

Lost But Not Forgotten

April 30, 2024
By 4kopf SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4kopf SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was made by the Peruvian Moche,

I am very powerful,

I can communicate with the divine,

Made with gold to have light reflect off of me and to show wealth,

I have eight octopus tentacles with animal faces at the end of my appendages,

I have Bilateral Symmetry around my face,

My Face has fangs for teeth, 

eyes made of Chrysocolla, 

curling hair, and claws on my hands,

The Moche people that made me believed in a God called Si,

The Si god controlled the moon and seasons,

I was made to communicate with this god to get good weather,

I accidentally made Si mad and she retaliated,

She sent my people an el niño,

This weather event killed my people

Now I lay in a black, scary, and old cave in Peru,

Lost but not forgotten I tell myself,

I have been In this cave for 666 years waiting, 

There is only one person who knows where I am,

A god told me about this man,

He goes by the name of Indiana Jones,

The god told me that he is something called an archaeologist,

He is brave, and puts himself in danger to get artifacts like me,

Now the question is will I ever get found?

The author's comments:

Inspired by Gold Octopus Frontlet  By The Moche People (Peru) 300-600AD

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