Watching from a Distance | Teen Ink

Watching from a Distance

May 1, 2024
By brookemullett GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
brookemullett GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watch as they play chess.

Moving their pieces,

and having a blast,

with their sisters. 


Dressed in fancy, bright clothes— 

clothes that I could only wear,

in my dreams— 

With intricate lacing,

and shiny pearl necklaces,

and elegant headbands.

While I walk past,

Wearing my dirty white outfit,

for the third time this week.

Instead of fancy, laced, bright dresses;

mine is just white cloth.

Instead of a elegant headband;

mine is just leftover white cloth.

I admire for a second,

then continue on to walk past.

I need to get back to my work.

Clean their rooms,

and finish their mothers gardening,

and mop their kitchen floor.

And after I finish…

I can go home to my children,

and wonder “what did I do wrong?”

as I feel guilty,

for not being able to give,

that life to my own children.

The author's comments:

Written about The Chess Game by Sofonisba Anguissola.

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