Built From Scratch | Teen Ink

Built From Scratch

May 16, 2024
By 4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4stechner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The bellowing cows served as a five-o-clock alarm.

Handy screens didn’t dominate our lives.

Even Christina had daily tasks, fearing the consequences.

And yet, the family faced harsh realities.

Miraculously finding ways to keep food on the table. 

Endless problems that only a family could overcome.

Relentless storms that destroyed perfect crops. 

Insects infiltrated everything they could scavenge.

Corn is handed to the deer, raccoons, and squirrels without payment,

and yet, families admire their hard work because there is pride in saying,

never give up because you have a family relying on you. 

Drowned with countless tears of hardships.

Revived with countless laughs at the dinner table.

Enriched with numerous lessons learned from pops.

And yet, a family was silent,

making the true meaning of 

THE AMERICAN DREAM; a dream come true. 

The author's comments:

This piece is relevant to the picture Christina's World by Andrew Wyeth. 

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