Loves Unfading Light | Teen Ink

Loves Unfading Light

May 19, 2024
By Anonymous

In a tangled web of memory’s snare, 

Lost moments drift like whispers in the air,

Faces once known, are now distant and strange,

Lost in the fog of times cruel change.

A thief in the night, steals with no sound, 

Leaving emptiness where memories were once found. 

But loves gentle touch, a beacon so bright,

Guides us through the darkness, shining light.

So we hold onto moments, simple and dear,

For love's enduring presence, we hold near.

Though Alzhiemers may try to dim our view,

Love's power shines strong, forever true. 

The author's comments:

I created this peace to shed awareness on Alzheimer's disease. I think we all take our memory for granted when it is such a beautiful thing. 

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