pretty little lies | Teen Ink

pretty little lies

June 6, 2024
By amilia_gaona_123 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
amilia_gaona_123 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remember when she told me you were done,

Did it break her heart?

Yes, it did.

You never cared about her feelings,

Or if she was even putting in the least amount of effort. 

But did you ever care?


Lies, lies, lies. 

That's the only thing they know how to do.

But sometimes she just wishes you'd look at her the same way.

She remembers when you would look at the bright shiny stars at night.

Then you would look at her and tell her she

Was even prettier than the universe itself.

They said they loved her but did they really ever 

Love her?

She always thought to herself she was so unloveable.

But maybe it was them and their lies.

But at the end of the day, she just loved them.

Everyone always told her to follow her dreams and she thought 

They were what she wanted. 

Pretty little white lies thats all it was.
But as the white filled with red because you kept

Hurting her with all you could.

With all the times you stabbed her in the back

With what you so call pretty little white lies.

When they saw the white turn red you didnt stop 

Hurting her you kept going with no remorse.

She pleaded and begged for you to care

But did they ever mean that? 

Pretty little lies she called it

Because every time it came out their mouth it was pretty

But it was forever and always a lie. 

The author's comments:

it was about my heart  break and how i saw it

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