Her Disguise | Teen Ink

Her Disguise MAG

By Anonymous

She sees the way we look ather
With sympathy in our eyes
Looking through strained smiles
Andunveiling her disguise

Everyone treats her like a porcelain doll
Sofragile and so rare
We wrap her in strong tin foil
And handle her withcare

I shower her with soothing words
In hopes that she won'tbreak
Sweet, candy-coated lies
All piled up on her plate

She hearsme crying unending tears
When I think she's not around
Afraid to stir up acommotion
And cause her to lose another pound

My composure isdeteriorating
As I tell her to be strong
I tell her, she can win thisbattle
But she knows she'll prove me wrong

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This article has 1 comment.

Emily said...
on Feb. 18 2009 at 12:45 am
Wow this is really good. Sad but it has a strong message.