Runaway | Teen Ink


July 22, 2009
By decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
decomposing_hearts GOLD, Bethlehem, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Run, run,
As fast as you can.
Never looking back,
Never taking a chance.

Cold nights,
Rainy days.
Hot summer nights,
Dry days.

Run, run,
As fast as you can.
Never looking back,
Never taking a chance.

Broken hearted,
Lonely nights.
Want to go home,
But don't want to fight.

Run, run,
Asfast as you can.
Never looking back,
Never taking a chance.

Hungry belly,
Dry lips.
Need to run farther,
Farther then this.

Run, run,
As fast as you can.
Never looking back,
Never taking a chance.

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