The Rosebuds, They're Gone | Teen Ink

The Rosebuds, They're Gone

August 8, 2009
By MagicallyDelirious BRONZE, San Jose, California
MagicallyDelirious BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Walking along a lonely abandoned path.
Metal box in hand; music-filled night.
"Do you even know what it means?"
Ignorance versus Innocence; who wins?
Children voices appearing, screaming
Unheard answers to unspoken questions
"Do any of us know what anything means?
Answers blow in the wind. Your window is shut.
Electric fans feed in hallow relief."
Desperate tries at listening: plugged ears.
Turning away, the wind starts to die down.
Catch them, try and try and try again.
Empty hands. They fill quickly with tears.

The author's comments:
To me, it's not very good. But I think it's worth reading. Blah, I'm no Shakespeare.

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