this is for real | Teen Ink

this is for real

August 9, 2009
By kaseyparks PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
kaseyparks PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
22 articles 4 photos 19 comments

this is for real.
i'd rather you tell the truth than to lie,
i'd rather a sooner than a later goodbye.
i'm not sure why i put up with the things that i do,
i guess there's just something about you.

don't tell me to stay,
if you're eventually going to go.
i want this for real,
not just for show.

i don't think you understand.
when you take my hand,
it means more to me than you could ever comprehend.

you're honestly kind of a jerk,
but i guess you don't know you're making me hurt.

take this into consideration,
next time you open your mouth,
think in moderation.


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