Summer Storms | Teen Ink

Summer Storms

August 23, 2009
By kayleefaith PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
kayleefaith PLATINUM, Norman, Oklahoma
37 articles 0 photos 18 comments

A love forgotten,
misplaced in a world of doubt.
A world where dreams die,
And romance cannot be found about.

Does love cease to exist?
Do dreams ever come true?
If only, if only,
If only anyone knew.

I once knew love,
familiar with dreams as well.
A love that had passion,
Memories shall greatly tell.

Memories installed in my mind.
Forever they will stay.
Embedded till death,
Till memory itself embarks to decay.

Pictures seen behind closed eyes,
Fire, wind, air, water
He was my universe
But all began to totter.

Sunshine brightened our future,
Light breeze sent our love soaring,
Summer showers made our relationship bloom,
But the blossoms were to wilt, before petals could form.

Nearby storms crushed our happiness,
Lightning blackened my heart,
Thunder sent me running for shelter,
Yet nothing terminated my emptiness.

Rays of sun no longer warm my skin,
And blue skies have curved to gray,
Flowers concluded to indicate love,
And now only bring false promises of hope.

A storm cloud hovers above my life,
And lightning has scarred my emotions,
Thunder has shaken free all life,
from my being of despair.

His presence remains however,
Never straying too far,
Always showering hail,
Upon my broken branches of existence.


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