Farewell | Teen Ink


August 24, 2009
By Ashley Coulter SILVER, Mount Washington, Kentucky
Ashley Coulter SILVER, Mount Washington, Kentucky
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Those magnolias drip of summer’s morning welcome
Each brilliant star so swollen in the night
Like the bulge of a mother-to be
So vivid, so glowing
And while the sultry breath of the child
Back and forth, back and forth
Feet abjure the soles of their existence
And let they befoul the ground
Like a cold sweat of two bodies as they lie
So bare, so knowing
Birds sing to us the song of the sun
As we give time a pulse
Back and forth, back and forth
Sugar entangled on the seeping tongue
So colored, so flowing
Each door to our souls, look
And know we must leave in the morning

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This article has 1 comment.

StarPrince12 said...
on Feb. 7 at 10:33 am
StarPrince12, Edmond, Oklahoma
0 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't know how long this mortal life will be but I intend to live fully and without fear" <br /> - Rick Riordan

ahh help this is so good