Afraid To Love Again | Teen Ink

Afraid To Love Again

August 27, 2009
By kkdavis PLATINUM, Bridgeport, West Virginia
kkdavis PLATINUM, Bridgeport, West Virginia
24 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I'm afraid to love again
I don't wanna be hurt again
I'm tired of getting the cold shoulder
Whenever we break up
When I try to love again
I have to go throught the pain again
It hurts worse every time
What's the reason for living
When all you get is pain
I go through everyday in a daze
I pretend that I am happy
When inside I'm tearing apart
Why do they play these games
I want someone to really love me
And cares about what I think
I need someone to help
Someone who cares
He'll cheer me up when I am sad
Make me laugh when I am mad
Who doesn't care what people think about us
Who isn't embarrassed when I happen to cry
Who isn't afraid to hold my hand
Or even give me a kiss
Maybe someday I'll finally get it right
But I guess for now
I'll go on with my life


This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 8 2009 at 9:58 am
kkdavis PLATINUM, Bridgeport, West Virginia
24 articles 0 photos 1 comment
thank u so much & i always come up with poems of my life & i kno that most people have gone through these things @ least once in their life

on Sep. 7 2009 at 6:20 pm
Share.The.Love.XM, Huber Heights, Ohio
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
i really like the way u worded this poem and i kno how u feel