Holder Of Religion | Teen Ink

Holder Of Religion MAG

By Anonymous

    I see the answer to all

the little mysteries

I am forever and you

will have to dance with me

I am the fog at night

that blinds you from the thunderstorm

I am the name that

cries out a new discovery

I can stop a crying babe

and make a blind man see

I can do it all and

still arrive in time to stand with thee

But ... oh, oh, I don't know

I can see the moonlight

dancing on the riverbanks tonight

I can shout and it will

be heard 'round the world wide

I have the power to let

it all seem quite bright

I hear the rush of wind

and babble of a distant brook

I see a bird take flight

and mothers nurse their infant ones

I may be the one that

keeps them from an afterlife

But ... oh, oh, I don't know

I can change and shape

a personal reality

I make a joke and all

will laugh freely

I touch a dead man

and his wife prays feverishly.

A little curiosity can

mean more than the world to me.

That I cast aside humanity

without guilt and so cleanly

Shows with luminosity that

even I can't create perfectly.

So ... I don't know it all

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