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Home MAG

By Anonymous

   From the minute I stepped on the first step of the stairway I knew it would be a jail for another

nine months, The wooden floor, which was half peeled like an orange, smelled

sour. The bathroom was covered with a golden layer of dirt. I dared

not look at the basin whose shape had originally been

a beautiful shell and was now a decayed one.

I explored into the attic ...

My limbs were caught in the melted spider nets

distributed in the air ... unclean.

Six houses in two years.

I have forgotten the




o M


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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 28 2010 at 5:26 pm
riverstreambrooke SILVER, Canton, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 3 comments

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&quot;make it a great day!&quot; -Mason Beekley<br /> &quot;what happened to our future? &#039;cause i can see it in the rearview.&quot; -gary go

i like this alot. i think the home at the end is interesting.. it draws attention to the ME part. very nice.

on May. 28 2010 at 10:46 am
tori-gurl PLATINUM, Norwich, New York
32 articles 0 photos 85 comments

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smile through everything no matter how bad it gets because it could be worse and if it gets worse well then it can only get better. :)

wow that is tough moving and stuff. you make new friends get close to ppl and then have to move again. i feel for ya hun i am sorry that you have to go thru that no one should but you are a great poet, dont stop writing okay? :)