When Will I Be Able To Cry? | Teen Ink

When Will I Be Able To Cry? MAG

By Anonymous

   Do you know how it hurts?

Not on the outside,

but inside.

No one

can see your pain.

No one

can feel your suffering.

To do that would be


The pain burns

like a fire.

Your insides

melt like the snow

when spring approaches.



you try so hard,

but you don't know if it is

possible to go on.

You want to cry,

but it's so hard.

You can't figure out way.

When will it get easier?

To think.

To speak.

To feel.

Some say never.

Others say with time.

When will the thoughts

and feelings

of pain and


go away?

It hurts.

It kills my happiness.

I want to cry,

but I can't.


let me cry again.

The pain inside is too much

to handle.

I need to let it out.

Why can't I,

When will I,

be able to cry?

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