Mock Poem | Teen Ink

Mock Poem

November 6, 2009
By RinnyG. SILVER, Manhattan, Kansas
RinnyG. SILVER, Manhattan, Kansas
5 articles 3 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm tall enough I can touch the ground!

Once your born, you start to die...

Mock Poem
By group 1

Today we are writing of plosives,
This assignment is really bad,
Mr. Ficke is explosive,
It isn't very sad.

The students want to rebel,
To Mr. Ficke we all compell.

Don't let anything stop you,
Let your horse be your guide,
Feel inspiration from your hair to your shoe,
Ain't nothing gonna break my stride.

Aim for the stars,
But don't get stuck behind bars.

Nothing will get in your way,
Just make sure you don't keep your horse at bay.

Now we are the Laughing stock,
Of this class we all mock.

-The End-

The author's comments:
My english teacher divided up the class into 3 groups to make up poems with in our groups. This kind of Poem is called Add-A-Line, where everyone adds a line to the said poem. This is not meant to be offencive or mean in any way, its just a goofy silly poem.

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