Friendship | Teen Ink


November 12, 2009
By Joanna.S SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
Joanna.S SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Friendship comes in many forms
They may do anything for you
They may wait outside while the rain pours
They will do anything when you ask them to

They wait for you if the sun doesn’t shine,
They’ll wait for you when it is time.
Their love for you will never perish,
Everything you do they will cherish.

Sometimes, some days you will fight,
But in the end you’ll know it’s alright.
Even when your friendship begins,
They’ll always be there through thick and thin.

You will appreciate whatever they find,
And when they do you take it kind.
Some friends do grow old together,
Their friendship will always be held forever.

Yet, all things must come to an end,
Sometimes you may loose your friend.
But you will know how much you love,
When they leave and go up above.

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