And The Bride Said, "Yes..." | Teen Ink

And The Bride Said, "Yes..."

November 26, 2009
By Claire_Milan PLATINUM, Waldorf, Maryland
Claire_Milan PLATINUM, Waldorf, Maryland
29 articles 1 photo 21 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love that we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest, hurts the deepest, and feels the strongest because True Love cannot be found where it truly doesn't exist nor can it be hidden where it truly does."---A wise young man

And the Bride said, Yes

He asked her once, to come see the world.
She said, “That would be pleasant, though I am just a girl.”

He offered her his cloak as a sign of comfort.
She said, “How thoughtful, and so on time.”

And when, to her lyrics he surrendered his life’s song,
She sang all the day long.

When he offered her to share his world,
Those words she spoke to him were more than grand.

And with this vow, by the alter, he sees her best,
As the Bride rejoices and whispers, “Yes.”

The author's comments:
This is a twist to the traditional vows spoken at weddings. These days the couple typically says, “I do.” I decided to write a sweet sentimental poem that gave a spin to the old classic. I got the inspiration from a friend who requested a poem for her wedding day. Unlike the other pieces that I’m fond of writing, this one has no hidden meanings. It is simple and straightforward; making it a classic favorite to me.


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