Beautiful Darkness | Teen Ink

Beautiful Darkness

January 11, 2010
By EzriaRose SILVER, San Leandro, California
EzriaRose SILVER, San Leandro, California
7 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Terrible things come and go

Appear quickly but leave so slow

They inject you with poison, tear you apart

Gnaw at your soul, your mind, and your heart

Beautiful things would be welcome change

But dark things stay, with widened range

Until you accept them with open arms

Take in the darkness, ignoring the harm

Seeing the beauty within the midnight

Your body drips darkness, shunning the light

Dark dances around you wearing whispers of black

And once you love it you can never go back

Stand at the edge of the edge of your mind

You look and you look but you just cannot find

The ugly in darkness, it doesn't exist

Only beauty surrounds you as you die with clock ticks

Poison and fire, hatred and lies

Alluring, mysterious, dead deadly spies

Beautiful darkness is pure simple bliss

But sometimes pretty things give it a kiss

Wake you up from a dream of dark fright

Crying and screaming, you burn with the light

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