Dr. Seuss Dream/Medley | Teen Ink

Dr. Seuss Dream/Medley MAG

By Anonymous

   Broad strokes of blue, black, white, red -

Warped, illustrated faces sketched on everyday objects

A wide eyed tree, its trunk covered with sags,

Cajoling me to play in rhyming verse.

"I have too much work to do," I say.

Long, wrinkly arms branch out and stuff me into its mouth.

It spits me out into the core of the earth.

Words are spinning all around me,

"I do not like green eggs and ham,

I do not like them, Sam-I-am!"

Funny creatures with horns, peat moss for hair

Surround me:

A Cat with a Hat, and a big earred elephant,


He takes me for a ride

Upon his back I sit as he flies over mountains and valleys.

Rhymes reverberate Around my mind

"One fish, two fish,

Red fish, blue fish."

I want to go home - I have things to do!

Horton swoops down and curves upwards.

Everyone refuses to let me leave

"One fish, two fish,

Red fish, blue fish."

"I do not like green eggs and ham,

I do not like them Sam-I-am!"

From his back I go


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