I Was he Girl | Teen Ink

I Was he Girl

March 13, 2010
By Cassandra Rae Cuddy GOLD, Milford, Massachusetts
Cassandra Rae Cuddy GOLD, Milford, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was the girl who’d ask for a third slice of pizza at Sarah’s pool party.
All the other little girls stared.
Green eyes and brown hair-
I was the girl who’d break Sarah’s finger
And eventually,
I’d be the girl who’d break Sarah.

I was the girl, a champion egg hunter
I was the girl who could speak to animals, don’t laugh, I could
The back yard was my world.
My imagination was my home.
I was the girl, dreams like no other.

I was the girl with the “the mark” and the height.
I’d be the girl, afraid to fight,
I was the girl, smart and out of place,
I was the girl with a smile on her face.
I was the scapegoat, a real “troublemaker”
I was a Little Princess and I was no faker.

I was the girl, wise beyond her years,
I was the girl with the scabs and the tears.

I was the girl, lost and inspired.
I was the girl, secretly admired.
I was the girl who’d do anything for anyone.
With the exception of staying in place; I was born to run.

I was the girl, bored with “arts and crafts”.
I’d be the girl with the poetry and the “laugh”.
I was the girl, small but feeling fat.
I was the girl, accused of being “all that”.
I was the girl who didn’t want to Chat.
I was the girl
Who wanted Conversation.

I was the girl, subject to her own humiliation.
I was this girl,
And I was never anyone’s patient.

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