What makes me happy? | Teen Ink

What makes me happy?

October 1, 2007
By Anonymous

What makes me happy?
The sweet sound of the rain,
When my boyfriend gets all sappy.
When things can just be plain.

My dog’s floppy ears,
Fireworks in the sky.
Overcoming fears,
The beauty of a cat’s eye.

Pictures that are pretty,
Compliments those are sweet.
Going to central city,
Swimming while in the heat.

Eating a slice of cake,
Pictures from the past.
A long coffee break,
Driving on the street fast.

Singing out loud,
Shopping at the mall.
Watching a cloud,
Making a call.

Happy to me are these things.
Take it or leave it, little things satisfy.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 24 2010 at 11:03 pm
soupbowl21 GOLD, Sanford, North Carolina
17 articles 0 photos 6 comments
A sweet little poem! I was having a bad day. I searched for happy and found this, and I want to thank you for brightening things up for me. Those things make me happy too.