A part of my heart | Teen Ink

A part of my heart

October 3, 2007
By Anonymous

A part of my heart still wants you beside me at night,
Its hard to say goodbye and I'm having trouble letting go.
I dont know why, but with you, something felt all too right.
This may come at the worst time but I wanted you to know,
that more than anything I love you so very much.
My heart cant help but ache every time I see you without me.
Every day I spend with someone else I long for your touch.
It kills me to think that this is the way that you are happy,
and it's impossible for me to feel anything for any others.
My heart has and forever will belong to you.
My imagination flies me to a place where once again we can be lovers.
All this time I was hoping you'd come back to me because you knew.

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