LOVE. | Teen Ink


October 5, 2007
By Anonymous

You think of this person everyday of your life
You wish everyday that one day you'll grow old and become their wife.
You do things you would never think of doing
But when your doing it for them you keep on moving
You keep telling yourself that you wouldnt let them hurt you again
But when your with him it all seems worth it.
Theres one name you can say
That makes you feel act and react in different ways
People use and abuse this word just to get by,
Get by the people feelings and needs that you recieve from my gender
The name we all have to feel at least once in your life
And the word that can either make or break your heart with all its might.
That word in my book means my feelings for him all and the above
For this these feelings, i like to call LOVE.

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