I screw up time and time again | Teen Ink

I screw up time and time again

October 8, 2007
By Anonymous

I screw up time and time again
No it’s not the end
But someday it will be
Is this really what I want to look back on?

When I get to Heaven….
And I am asked.....
What did you do with your life?
Did you really do all that you could?
Will I be ready to answer?
What if it would all end tonight?
What would I say?
What could I say?

I screw up time and time again
No it’s not the end
But someday it will be
Is this really what I want to look back on?

I know that I am better than this
I know that I can do so much better
The End Will Come
I don’t want to be scared anymore
I want to learn to take risks
To step outside of my comfort zone…..
And still be comfortable…..
To step outside of my shell…..
And still feel safe.

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