Love Me, Love Me Not | Teen Ink

Love Me, Love Me Not

October 18, 2007
By Anonymous

My life shattered into a million peices,
that fills the tears that each eye releases.
Your words like a thousand knives slashing my heart.
Your lies and secrets ripping it apart.
My body and soul enduring so much pain.
My head racing with thoughts causing me to go insane.
I listen even though you do not speak.
Harsh cruel words is the only thing your mouth leaks.
I try and speak but you just don't care.
I feel as if you are not even there.
So one more thing I am going to share,
even though you probably don't even care.
This is the last tear my eyes will make.
This is the last time my heart will break.
This I am very sure,
that no more pain will I endure.
Just one more question before I go.
Did you ever love me, Yes or No?

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