Raining Sunsets | Teen Ink

Raining Sunsets

October 22, 2007
By ignominy SILVER, Jamesville, New York
ignominy SILVER, Jamesville, New York
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I watched the sunset today
with the rain
streaming down the window
I'm watching avidly
seeing bit by bit
as the light disappears
over the hills
and the tear drops fall
over the shutters
drip drip drip
into puddles
into tissues
see the silhouette on the horizon
pitch black trees
burned crisp
by the sunlight
falling to ashes
from the storm clouds
letting the rain
fall down my face
soaking into my clothes
letting the last few rays
of sunlight
shine on me
shine on
shine on
let the shadow creep closer
drown out the sunlight
every drop of
golden radiance
swallowed by its shadow
leaving me in darkness
leaving me
in this cloudy blackness
with nothing to keep me
nothing to save me
by my shadow
my dark wet shadow
with the clouds tears
tears from the loss
the loss of those last
beams of radiance


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