IMAGINE | Teen Ink


October 23, 2007
By Anonymous

I am a warrior
Not fighting with fists,
But fighting with words
My weapons are the books I read
My fists are my paragraphs
I prove my point with sounds
Some I can only understand.
May my music forever burn inside me
I am a fire child
Flickering with light
Giving you warmth
But dangerous.
Music streams from my fingers
Onto ivory keys
I use my throat to make a sound
Melodious and beautiful.
Mistakes happen,
It is a true fact
So why not strive to do better than you already have done?
Shoot for the stars and for the moon
Or if you wish,
Shoot for Jupiter
I kick my legs up
My legs are straight,
My toes pointed
Shoulders back,
Hands in fists
Stand straight,
With eyes forward
Skip and whip-2-3-4-5-6-7
High knees
Kick the soccer ball
Dribble, Aim, Shoot, GOAL!
I run faster, faster and faster still
The wind blowing in my hair as I run my heart out
I feel free.
Sorcerers lurking in towers
Waiting to predict the feature
Dragons flying high overhead
Breathing fire down the land
Elves dancing round the fire
While Merlin summons up his power
King Arthur pulls out the sword from the stone
A medieval knight in shining armor
Serving for the good of the world
High castles with towers and flags
Clang of swords
Tapestries embroidered carefully and hung on the walls
A page training restlessly to be a knight
Even if they don’t think she can do it.
The castle’s towers have flags
Which blow in the wind
All representing something different
I write
I act
I play music
Nothing is everything and everything is nothing
Which is something,
That you may not understand
But I do.

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