Snapshots of a Village by the Sea | Teen Ink

Snapshots of a Village by the Sea

September 1, 2007
By Anonymous

Snapshots of a Village by the Sea empty swings and abandoned dreams half-filled notebooks and forest streams the road that seemed to go on forever broken promises, "always" and "never" Hell-fire and trumpets, the sun sinking low secrets told and kept, for only us to know running and hiding, and closing your eyes trust and betrayal, the truth behind each lie a cardboard box, unlabeled and empty a note on the counter for only you to see I wish it wasn't like this, I fought with all I had but look at what came of it, is it really all that bad? empty swings and dreams abandoned we had to grow up, even if we didn't get all we planned in we had to say goodbye so we could meet again if time is our only enemy, let us face is together, as friends Hell-fire and trumpets, wait for the sun to rise maybe by then, the tears will be gone from your eyes the road that seemed to go forever on it seems like forever that I will be gone a cardboard box, unlabeled and empty I look out the window and light is all I see I wish it wasn't like this, I fought with all I could and I'll promise, if you promise, to let it turn out good and I'll promise, if you promise, to let "goodbye" be just for now I'll promise, and if you promise, we can show each other how

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