Cinnamon Rush | Teen Ink

Cinnamon Rush

September 20, 2007
By Anonymous

I felt a spicy tingle on my tongue,
And fiery warmth settled in my throat.
The roof of my mouth began to sizzle,
And I could feel my taste buds slowly burn.

Every swallow caused a flavorful heat
To be sent creeping down my tongue.
A cinnamon heat flooded my face,
And my body rose with goose bumps.

I felt popping sparks alight on my tongue,
Then a fire was set ablaze in my mouth.
I let the raging fire slowly extinguish,
And swallowed the last of its sizzling flames.

My twinkling eyes began to smile,
And my scorching tongue was set to rest.
The Altoid had rapidly set my mouth aflame,
And caused me a zesty cinnamon rush!

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