Ready for love | Teen Ink

Ready for love

September 26, 2007
By Anonymous

Ready for love
If you open the door to my heart
With the key of my love
What do you plan to see?
As you see the truth
Does it hurt you inside?
As I sit here thinking
Why don’t you listen?
I hid from you
And the time it took
Wasting with this game
Why are we like the oil and water?
Never mixing
Give me one chance
And we will be together
But if you don’t listen to me
Our love will never grow
If we don’t listen to each other
We can never be
These games of my soul and heart
One question comes to mind
Are we ready for love?
Are we ready for broken bones?
The chills of defeated love
Past hurt
As we love does it mean anything?
Are we ready for love?
I promise that I will stay where ever
One last chance
To show you who I am
I love you
But as I say this
Are we
Are we ready
For love

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