The Feelings of the End... | Teen Ink

The Feelings of the End...

September 27, 2007
By Anonymous

I can’t laugh anymore,
At the thought of the end.
Like all the other times before.
This is what I have to conclude

In the end,
For me is empty,
With the feeling so temporary.
Now there is nothing left to defend.

But why not help it along.
So I fill myself with all those intoxication.
So I don’t have to look at the empty reflection.
But I will take a step back where I belong.

I said this once before and I’ll say it again “I’m a fake!”
It seems like all I do is lie to myself,
And all the lies seem to do is hurt everyone else.
Now everything is my never-ending mistake.

Everyone tries their best to help,
But I am so far gone.
So I won’t try to con and say I’m found.
Helping me is like helping kelp.

If you do it’s useless.
It’s like saving a match from fire.
And anyways I’m closed for hire.
So as I said it’s useless.

You can say I will change,
But I can see the lie in your eyes.
So don’t trouble yourself because I used to live by those lies.
I’m over this show and I’m done with this stage.

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