Just Beyond My Reach | Teen Ink

Just Beyond My Reach

December 12, 2007
By Anonymous

It's there.
From my little window,
I can see it.
It's waiting,
It's watching-
Never moving.
And I put my hand out and
But it's just beyond my reach.
Tickling my fingertips
As I barely touch it,
Get a feel for it,
But can't fully grasp it-
Not yet.
Because it's just beyond my reach,
Just inches away from this little window.
And I've been told time
And time again.
"You'll get there."
"Be patient."
So as of now,
I sit,
Watching little red numbers
Glow on my alarm clock.
And I am not halted
In the present time.
For all that is seen
And to be seen,
And all that is known
And to be known,
All that is,
And will be
Is Just Beyond my Reach.

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