How I Feel Inside | Teen Ink

How I Feel Inside

June 4, 2008
By Anonymous

You told me you loved me
you told me you cared
Why?If i was always there
Why did you say that when you knew it wasn't true?

You broke my heart into pieces
Of course you know you just try to ignore it
I held your hand when you were blue
I hugged you when you didn't know what to do
I was there for you when I could
But oviouslly you misunderstood

You put me through so much pain
These pass few days It's me who I blame

I just wanna know why did you act the way you did?
I don't think I deserved it one bit

Everytime I would get near you, you pushed me away
I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you everyday

It bothered me inside
How you acted like that all the time
Please tell me why did you act like you didn't care?
I honestly think that it wasn't fair

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