The Evil King | Teen Ink

The Evil King

December 18, 2007
By Anonymous

The moon stands alone among the dark sky in spite.
All the stars have long since burned away tonight.
The lost souls wander the dark trails in vain.
Under the meager moonlight and pounding rain.

Deadly silence rules the land.
The Reaper King scythe in hand.
People tired of death and despair,
Wish to rid the land of this foul air.

Dark clouds have blocked the sun.
Many dark deeds this king has done.
He has the darkest past of all.
He sold his soul now curses call.

The people wish to see the light,
For the sun,‭ ‬they banish the night.
The evil king steps off his throne.
And in the sunlight turns to stone.

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This article has 1 comment.

Phillips180 said...
on Sep. 9 2008 at 1:04 am
Hmm. I can't relate to it, but I like it a lot. Good work Tyler! I like both your poems! ^.^