Upon Noticing | Teen Ink

Upon Noticing

November 13, 2007
By Anonymous

Ah, ah, see the feet blister in the heat and scolding
See the hands wither at such surprise
With a body not yet meant for this
And a mind pacing just to keep up,
Let’s keep this going,
You could always fall just to avoid a face
Give the past its proper burial rites, and so it goes:

“All this happened, more or less”
The sunshine is merely cloaked cynicism, but it’s likable that way
Keep the lies hidden in the oozing light,
And the hymns in the hum of your hair, calm at night
The wind toying with your fingertips,
The sea pretending to be an ally
Anywhere else, this would hurt like you’d never imagine
But you, sun child, know the weight of your words.
Arms traceable around your knees,
Eyes seemingly sadder than they should be
As for today, though, you’ve found your laugh
Surprising any company you’ve had, ever-enticing and whimsical,
The lightness of your step is a harbinger –
Look past the horizon with your jaded eyes
Though it’s an imaginary line that recedes as you approach it,
Solace may be found in the sun (so far, at least).

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