Just Me, MC | Teen Ink

Just Me, MC

November 16, 2007
By Anonymous

Half brown, half black,
My hair is a fudge brownie
Changing with its surroundings,
My eyes are like a geco and
A kaleidoscope together,
Short like a chihuahua
I will be forever,
But built like a boxer i will stay.

I am many different animals you see,
Always flipping and upsidedown,
Like a monkey,
But not picking for fleas.
When I'm mad I'm an angry dog,
ready to snap,
And an insane cow,
with mad cow disease,
when I'm joyish and full of glee.

Some people say I'm a bit annoying,
funny, and a ditz,
But I am one who never quits,
I am many animals you see,
Yet most importantly,
I'm just me,MC.


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