Young innocent girl | Teen Ink

Young innocent girl

December 13, 2007
By Anonymous

Young innocent girl

Travels through life with the world's

Worst troubles on her shoulders

Carrying a child

Living in a broken home

House to house traveling

If only she knew

A condom was the answer

If only she knew he was a stupid low life looking for sex boyfriend.

Stuck between life and death

Living in a heat sweat

Without a great tip

Crying her eyes out of her mind

Thinking of what she did with her time

Hoping to see her mom get out of jail

Before she sees hell

Thinking well of what she will tell her Grandma

When she spills her water everywhere

Young innocent girl travels

Through life with the world's worst troubles on her shoulders

Baby in the oven

Daddy on the stove

And Oh! No!

A teenage mom having a …

"I think my water just broke!"

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