Don't Let Go | Teen Ink

Don't Let Go

December 16, 2007
By Anonymous

confusion, anger
tears spilling from my eyes, burning stinging
thoughts of you swarming through my head
i dont know what to do

please dont make me let you go
because i dont know if i can
i let you into my life and
i dont know if i can let you out

thoughts of you swarming through my head
as i sit here coiled in pain
confusion anger
the tears, burning, stinging
dont make me let go
i cant loose you hold onto me

as i sit here, coiled in pain
i wait for you
so dont let go
hold onto me when i fall

i dont know what to do
as i sit here, coiled in pain
confusion and anger
i'll wait for you
so dont let go
because i cant loose you

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