Stainless Glass | Teen Ink

Stainless Glass

April 12, 2011
By MariaDavis PLATINUM, Waynesville OH, Ohio
MariaDavis PLATINUM, Waynesville OH, Ohio
29 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can lead a horse, but you can&#039;t make it drink, but you can lead the horse and not make it drink.<br /> if horses were wishes beggars would ride, hell i would too (I do).<br /> Don&#039;t give up.

Stainless Glass

I’m Stainless glass, you can’t see through me.
You try to look out the window and clear your head,
But all you can think about is the window ahead.
You can’t see me, you can only see you.

I try to blend, but I’ll I’m doing is reflecting other people.
They seem to see me more, I don’t know if I can keep doing this.
Why did I start, I forget, why did I do that, I don’t know.

I’m Stainless Glass, you can’t see thought me.
You can’t see me, you can only see you.
Why do I say this, I only keep on breaking.
My stainless glass is breaking, it’s shattering.

I need to be strong, I can’t let it fall.
What can I do, should I keep going?
Can I tape them back, will I cut myself?
Please don’t tell me, I am breaking.

Falling, shattering, breaking, and taping.
I can’t seem to find the light; I’m beginning to become lost.
Light, where are you?
I have shattered, can you find me?
I am lost in a world where everything is glass.
Stainless Glass reflects me.
I’m stainless Glass, you can’t see through me.
Can you?

The author's comments:
I sometimes feel that way...


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